Join our statewide webinars to learn more about how you can keep stormwater and our waterways clean.
“A Salty Situation”
Tuesday, September 24
12:00 - 1:00 PM
Allison Madison, Program Manager for Wisconsin Salt Wise, will discuss the environmental issues associated with road salt that are negatively impacting freshwater resources in Wisconsin and throughout the United States. Laura Herrick, Chief Environmental Engineer for the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (SEWRPC), will showcase the Regional Chloride Impact Study.
“Pond Problems, Solutions and Reporting”
Wednesday, September 25
5:30 - 6:30 PM
Do you manage pond planning, development or maintenance through your job, HOA, or personal property? Are you looking for a cost-saving or environmentally conscious way to develop, retrofit, or maintain your pond? Or perhaps you're curious about BMP reporting? Join us on September 25th from 5:30 - 6:30 pm CT for an evening with Root-Pike WIN and the Wisconsin DNR to learn WIN-WIN options from Root-Pike WIN's newly published Stormwater Pond Playbook. Then stay for Q and A to get all your burning BMP questions answered! There will be an opportunity to purchase your own Stormwater Pond Playbook, and two lucky attendees will win playbooks for FREE! Please contact laura@rootpikewin.org with questions.
“Is Stormwater treated?”
Thursday, September 26
12:00 - 1:00 PM
Milwaukee and Superior are the two cities in Wisconsin with combined sewers and treatment. Megan Hõgfeldt, Water Resources Specialist for the City of Superior Environmental Services Division and Cari Roper, with the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, will discuss the differences between combined and separate sewers and treatment.
Webinar Archives
“Managing Water Where It Falls”
The Rain Collection Webinar will include Chris Schultz (Senior Project Manager, Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District) and Megan Högfeldt (Water Resources Specialist, City of Superior) discussing backyard practices that increase stormwater infiltration. Join to learn why rain collection is important, how to install a rain garden and rain barrel, and how these backyard practices benefit homeowners.
“Leaf-free Streets for Clean Waters”
Join Phil Gaebler (City of Madison) and Christal Campbell (Dane County Land and Water Resources Dept. and the Madison Area Municipal Stormwater Partnership) to learn how timely removal of street leaves before the rain can help keep our waters clean. They’ll share information on a recent U.S. Geological Survey study that evaluates how leaf collection and street cleaning can reduce nutrients to local waters and how partners in Dane County used the results to create a community engagement program to keep streets leaf-free before the storm.